Tuesday, August 08, 2017

Tehe Tehe Tradition of the Sea Bajau Sea Tradition

Sea urchins or their scientific name Echinoidea also known as Sea Boss Sea Bugs by sea lovers is the main killer of coral reefs. For any marine parks, attempts to kill sea urchins are always done to ensure coral reefs live fast.

But another story in Semporna Sabah, a region rich in beautiful islands and marine life including lush and beautiful corals never worries about the threat of sea urchins known as tehe tehe by Bajau Laut tribe. Because of the sea urchins or tehe tehe it is one of the deliciousest exotic dishes of the tradition and becomes one of the mandatory meals for the Bajau Semporna tribe.

The tehe tehe rice is distributed as ketupat. How to cook is almost equal. Just the rice tehe tehe this, rice in the input into the sea urchins that have been banned all, boiled and rice will mask with the contents of the sea urchin inside the shell. Some people use only shells to cook the tehe tehe rice, which removes all the organs of the sea urchin and only using their cages.

Often mixed ingredients other than rice that will be included in tehe tehe include salt, ginger or other food example shrimp, squid and so on. Tehe tehe is like a pot that can be used to cook ingredients only once.

The tehe tehe produced is usually besides being eaten with the family, it is also served to guests who come. There are also entrepreneurs who sell tehe tehe at stalls or stalls in Semporna Sabah.

Who came to Semporna should try tehe tehe ............

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